Thursday, December 5, 2013

Kim Kardashian keeps 90 percent of proceeds from Philippines charity auction

Kim Kardashian, the center of all evil in the universe, has managed to annoy even her most ardent followers with a new money and fame generation scheme in which she uses a charitable cause to help bulk up her pre-tax profits. Not just any charity either, but one for survivors of a typhoon.

It all started last friday when the reality TV star set up an eBay auction to aid victims of the Philippines disaster, but then realised that they probably don't need all of the money (come on, how much do fresh water and paracetamol cost anyway?) and so she decided to keep around 90 percent of the revenue, supposedly for overheads. Weirdly, while her fans don't seem to mind most of the awful things she does, they've had to draw the line at this particular caper. Take a look at her blog to see what we mean...

Kim I think what your doing is great but honestly only 10 percent? yes I know it is still more than they would have but 90 percent is far more than is needed for over head expenses. I am a huge fan of yours but this disappoints me thinking you say it is for the Philippines and you get 90 petcent vs 10 percent Philippines. If there is another reason please let us know

I used to be a huge fan, but I hope they give you back your insulting “portion of the proceeds” which is a measly 10% back to you so you can choke on it. You leading on that it’s for a good cause to pursue people to buy is degrading. I hope you get to keep your money, you probably need it more than they do.

10% of the proceeds only? And the rest goes into your pockets? I would NEVER contribute to anything you do. It is never about anyone but you.

Do you even know the meaning of the word Charity. Your so called prayers and thoughts for the people of the Philippines are as hollow , greedy, and empty as can be possible. You are nothing more than a greedy little un-talented wanna-be. How dare you use these people’s misery to make money ! Don’t you and boy friend have enough money without using these poor wretched souls in their hour of desperation. Shame on you !!!!!

And here's what Twitter thought...

Kim Kardashian, the new Mother Theresa

  1. Here's the auction in question...
  2. Most people were pretty angry about Kim spending 90 percent of her eBay revenue on 'overheads'. One even went so far as to compare her charity work to finding a spider in a grape. Harsh.
    1. Kim Kardashian is selling her things on ebay... and only giving 10% to charity. What is she, broke? Wow. @KimKardashian

      Spiders in grapes! 😖 and Kim kardashian being selfish selling things for "charity" on eBay and only giving away 10%. Come on 50% at least

      I can't believe Kim K only donates 10% of her eBay auctions to the charity she's chosen. That's just preposterous!

      For all you dumbasses that endorse Kim kardashian, she's donating 10% of her charity auction on eBay to the victims of the phillipines

      Kim Kardashian is selling used clothes on ebay as a charity for the Philippines disaster. Only 90% of the proceeds goes back to her.

      Just wait until Kanye finds out Kim is giving 10% of all her eBay shit to charity. He'll probably blame George Bush

      Kim Kardashian donates just 10% of eBay auction proceeds to charity - cheap Vile!

      Kim K selling clothes she probably got given in the first place on eBay for 'charity' & keeping 90% of the profit. What a horrible bitch.

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