Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Is A New American Revolution Coming?

Times are changing. Depending on your age, some have seen more change than others, for better or worse. In my opinion, it's getting worse.

And speaking for myself, I've seen some pretty big changes in my lifetime but the biggest change is the overall pulse of this nation. The attitude, the feeling of security...patriotism. The pulse is a broad definition but I'm sure there are many who understand. As a matter of fact, I know there are.

If you google anything related to a new American revolution your probably going to see websites devoted to a movement of some sorts with similar agendas but for the most part, they all seem to want the same thing and that is, to preserve the constitution. The same ideals that the American forefathers began the original American revolution. Many of them gave their lives for those ideals. They had a vision of a free country. Have you seen any changes in freedom in your lifetime?

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
-Thomas Jefferson

We live in a nation who has a long history of standing up and defending other nations when it comes to democracy and freedom. But some may say that our own freedom, within this nation, is fading. We have seen a huge increase in violence just in the last couple of decades in America and as a result the lawmakers have responded by creating an abundance of laws. Gun laws have changed dramatically but not enough to those in power because there's a familiar stumbling block in their way...the Constitution of the United States of America. A document that many of us took an oath to defend. Some gave their lives.

Many of those who took that oath answered their nations call to serve and have returned to a country who has for the most part failed them. Our Veterans are not being taken care of properly. In my opinion they are being overused during their service but when they return they are not getting adequate care or benefits. Priorities?

If we examine closely the period in which the American Revolution began we are able to see the events which unfolded; After years of peaceful protests and petitions to their government, these brave men and women stood against their government’s excessive taxation, tyrannical oppression, and punishing subjugation. 

If we examine further, our founding documents declare that the rights of citizens and states supersede federal authority. The preservation of these rights, of our individual liberty, demands personal responsibility. Many Americans are speaking out and voicing their opinions and many want to return to a smaller central government, one of limited powers of authority, expenditure and taxation.

Where do you stand? Are you one of the "silent majority?" Those in the silent majority do somewhat stay informed. They watch the news and/or read the newspaper.

"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."
-Thomas Jefferson

For certain, the next American Revolution will be won in the ballot box. So whatever direction you would like to see this country go, whatever kind of nation you want your children to live in, open your eyes and listen to the heartbeat of this nation and most of all, Vote!

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